I am an Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Berkeley. I am the Director of the Climate & Energy program at the Environmental Markets Lab at UC Santa Barbara, an affiliate of the Climate Impact Lab, an affiliate of the Center for Effective Global Action, a standing committee member of the National Academies of Sciences Environmental Health Matters Initiative, a Beijer Young Scholar, and a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research.
I joined Berkeley after a faculty position at UC Santa Barbara's Bren School of Environmental Science and Management and a postdoc at University of Chicago. I completed my PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Berkeley, where I was an EPA STAR Fellow and a Doctoral Fellow in the Global Policy Lab at the Goldman School of Public Policy. I have masters degrees from the University of Oxford, where I was a Rhodes Scholar.
I am an environmental and resource economist, using large geospatial datasets to answer questions at the intersection of environmental change and economic development. I study climate, water, air pollution, and remote sensing.
Carleton, T., L. Crews, and I. Nath., AEA Papers & Proceedings (2024)
Boser, A., K. Caylor. A. Larsen, M. Pascolini-Campbell. J.T. Reager, and T. Carleton,
Nature Communications (2024)
Zhang*, P., T. Carleton*, L. Lin, and M. Zhou, Nature Susatinability (2024)